Qin Guosheng, Chairman of Hongsam Digital, Was Awarded the Honorary Title of "12th Five-Year Plan" Innovation Figure
Aug 29,2024

On November 22, 2016, Henan Home Textile Industry Association issued a document commending more than 80 enterprises and more than ten "12th Five-Year Plan" Innovation Figures in Henan Province. Qin Guosheng, founder and chairman of Hongsam Digital, was awarded the honorary title of "12th Five-Year Plan" Innovation Figure

"Innovation" has always been a keyword pursued by local governments, industry associations and home textile related product companies, and it is also the charm of Hongsam Digital, which is full of vitality and vigor. Since its establishment in 2001, Hongsam Digital has been committed to the research and development of functional and environmentally friendly inkjet inks. Hongsam Digital adheres to the principle of "keeping the right path and creating something new". For more than ten years, it has been committed to the inkjet field while constantly innovating. It fully reflects the product concept of "everything for the user". Digital printing technology will also drive the transformation and upgrading of the entire printing and dyeing industry.

1. Under the leadership of Chairman Qin Guosheng, Hongsam Digital has obtained a total of 8 national invention patents since 2003 to 2016, of which 6 invention patents belong to the textile digital printing industry. We have strengthened the training of innovative talents in a targeted manner and attached importance to the innovative development of enterprises. In 2011, Hongsam Digital was interviewed and featured by the "Innovation Unlimited" program of CCTV Science and Education Channel.

2. Faced with the mature traditional printing and dyeing industry, we took a different approach and chose the textile digital printing industry. With a unique and sharp vision, we have insight into the unlimited development potential of digital printing. Faced with the environmental pollution and strong energy consumption caused by domestic traditional printing and dyeing, Hongsam Digital seized the opportunity of the green development and energy-saving and environmental protection policies in "13th Five-Year Plan" in the printing and dyeing industry, achieved overtaking on the curve, and completed a comprehensive layout.
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